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ArmoryLab and Open Cities Merger?

Bad Mamma Jamma

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I was just wondering if anyone knows how to fix the problem im having with "ArmoryLab" and another favorite of mine, "Open Cities". I know the portals are placed in the cell of the cities and open cities removes these cells altogether. What Im wondering is, is it possible to move these portals to the inside of the houses so that these two great mods can work together? Or if anyone knows of an updated version to include this problem can someone let me know. ty :)
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Ok. I contacted the author of ArmoryLab, tom_supergan, and found a simple soulution for the time being. If anyone else has this problem the only solution right now is to use the Imperial City home on the waterfront. This home is the only one not in a city cell. Hopefully this helps anyone else having this problem and want to continue using both mods. And hopefully in time someone will find a way to merge these two, but in the mean time, there it is.
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