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Mysterious icon! Can someone identify?


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Hey folks. I recently reinstalled Skyrim and a bunch of mods, only to find this icon appearing on my screen, sometimes as a single icon and sometimes as a row of icons. It only appears when I draw a weapon or turn rapidly in place--and I can't pin it to one mod.


I've tried disabling each of my mods in turn--it shows up randomly and never with the same mod twice.


I've tried wiping Skyrim through Steam and My Games and reinstalled mod by mod. It still shows up randomly.


I've verified my game catch, thrown away my save games, tried a vanilla playthrough without any mods whatsoever, and still it shows up.


I've tried different mods, but it haunts my every move.


I've spent hours on this and cannot make it disappear, cannot link it to any one mod, and don't know what it means. (WHAT DOES IT MEAN?) Can someone help me out here?


Thank you thank you thank you to anyone who can release me from this spell.


EDIT: IMGUR link is a full screen view. Attached file is a close up.


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Sorry to post again. Anyone with suggestions? I've found out a couple things: for one, it doesn't appear if I don't use SkyUI, but that also doesn't narrow things down too much, given how many mods make use of MCM.


It also seems to "jump" from mod to mod--it will disappear when I turn a specific mod off in one instance, and it won't disappear when I try turning it off again. Alternately, it will disappear when I turn different mods off. I've reinstalled everything but it remains, often as a set of about ten tiny gold icons with zeros on them (but not always). But consistently the gold icon.


Thoughts? It would be nice to know what program this icon belongs to so that I could troubleshoot. Surely someone recognizes it?

Edited by erehwonnz
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Well, there is the IMGUR link. :blush:


At any rate, thanks for the feedback, both of you! I have in fact removed the interface folder, reinstalled SkyUI, and still it (and its ten or so friends) remain.


Might have something to do with a corpse mod, although I think the issue showed up before I installed one. Hm...


But I appreciate it. It's a puzzling situation.

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