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Assigning A Master File to FalloutNV.esm


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As part of a (nasty and convoluted) project I'm working on, I'd like to be able to make FalloutNV.esm dependant on another .esm file.


Unfortunately, TESNip can't handle it at all, and when I open it in FONVEdit, it won't allow me to edit FalloutNV.esm at all. Does anyone know any other methods for this that might work?

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There's probably no way without hacking the headers (and even then I doubt it would work).


FalloutNV.esm is required for all other mods. Any change you make will be based on this file at a minimum, so there's really no way to make it dependent on other esm files.


What are you trying to accomplish, if you don't mind me asking? There may be another way to attack the problem.

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I'm, ah, trying to accomplish something it's probably better that you have plausible deniability over.


The exact problem is that I can persuade New Vegas to load NotNamedHere.esm and FalloutNV.esm together, if NotNamedHere.esm is first in the load order. If that's the case, then it works pretty well. Unfortunately, content from NotNamedHere.esm is in place where I'd rather it be replaced by equivalent content from FalloutNV.esm


By making NotNamedHere.esm depend on FalloutNV.esm as a master file, I can persuade the GECK to load them both at the same time, thus potentially allowing me to make an .esp to resolve the issues. The problem is that if NotNamedHere.esm is dependant on FalloutNV.esm as a master, the GECK loads them, but the game crashes on start up.

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I've got a pretty good idea what you're trying to do. I don't think you'll get that to work without a LOT of changes to the GECK, and probably to the executable that launches the game.


And I'm going to bow out for now, not sure how grey of an area we're in and prefer to stay with plausible deniability. :)


Good luck though.

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Those 2 files don't seem to be able to load at the same time in the geck, I don't think making one a master to the other would change that. That was the first thing I tried.


It works for me, as long as NotNamedHere.esm has FalloutNV.esm as a master. But as I said, then they won't load in the game.

The best result I've got thus far was turning NotNamedHere into a .esp and making FalloutNV its master. Then it got as far as the menu before it froze up, without showing any options.

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I can't even seem to edit the header of NotNamedHere.esm to give it a master. FNVEdit and TESSnip both crash. How did you manage that?





Edit: I managed to set FalloutNV.esm as a master to NotNamedHere.esm using the TESSnip in FOMM. That's one hurdle down.

Edited by luthienanarion
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