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Perk re-add mod.


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I created a perk mod and then had to update it. I was looking into ways to remove and then re-add the perk so users of my mod (including myself) won't have to start over in order to keep using the newer version, or a different version (I have four versions, two weak, one medium, and one strong - all with the same perk name). I saw one suggestion on the GECK website, on the "addperk" page, at the bottom of the page:


* With Fallout 3 version 1.4 or older: Loading a savegame in which the player has a mod-created perk, when the mod that created it is no longer installed, may crash the game. That issue was fixed in Fallout v1.5. If you know the FormId of the Perk, you can remove it from yourself using the console. Modders are also advised to provide an in-game means for players to remove perks, should they wish to uninstall while keeping older versions of FO3, or at least provide instructions on how to remove the perks.


* One simple way is to provide an "uninstaller" esm file, that the user must install, load their game, and save it, before they remove the mod. The esm will do nothing but remove the perks, and contains one quest, called something like "MyPerkRemovalQuest", set to "start game enabled", with a Quest-type script:


ScriptName MyPerkRemovalQuestScript
Begin GameMode
   player.RemovePerk MyExamplePerk
   StopQuest MyPerkRemovalQuest


This seems to suggest that the quest runs by itself without the player having to do anything in-game. I noticed that if I use a weak version, then install the strong version, when I start the game and load my save, the weak version is removed from the character's list (even though the strong version is installed with the same perk name and perk ID). So, I figure I don't need to do a perk removal like in the example script, and that I can use it with addperk instead so my users don't have to use a console command to re-add the newer perk because that would disable achievements (if they care about them).


Anyway, I have the script compiled, but can't seem to configure the quest correctly (it just won't run). Any ideas?


My script:

scn PerkUpQuestScript

Begin GameMode

player.AddPerk MitchellsMonster
StopQuest PerkUp



The quest is set up like this:


Quest Name: PerkUpQuest

ID: PerkUp

Priority: 60

Script: PerkUpQuestScript

Star Game Enabled checked

Script Processing Delay checked


Thanks in advance. :)

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