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New mod in the works


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Big progress update:


Peragus has been moved! It is no longer to the west of Chorrol. It is now to the north-east of Bravil, or south of Cheydinhal. Incidentally, it is actually above the Shadow Doomstone. And it has been lowered! (sorry Tiberiu, but you took to long)


Completed interior construction of all but the 3 planned houses. That includes the alchemist, smith, and training arena (with viewing area). Considering changing the armory into a prison.


All that's left before the gamma (a beta's beta) comes out is the construction of the interiors of the houses and the exterior. And re-linking all the exterior doors. I'm hoping that will be later today, maybe early tomorrow. You'll finally be able to see what I've been working on!


Anyway, I'm taking suggestions for the name of the alchemist shop and the smithy. The name of the tavern is “Stone and Sky Tavern”. Descriptive, isn't it?


Wait a minute, I also have to make the distant view meshes. It might come out tonight, but probably tomorrow.


Oh well,


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Ok, even though I didn't complete what I wanted to complete before i put out the beta, I put it out. Heres the link:


Big download due to massive retexturing. And no, I didn't do most of it. I just retextured the ironworks. Anyway, tell me what you think.


By the way, I like making secret buttons small, and hard to find if your not looking for them. So look for them! (Hint: throne room and personal chambers)




Edit: Don't download yet! I just discovered I forgot to relink some doors! Like an idiot, I didn't test what I had already tested, but had forgoten I had changed! It will be fixed momentarily, and then I can re-upload it. Okay! You can download it now. Man I feel stupid...

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I should be the one who's sorry, I did took to much time, since I had to work today. Oh well. Il download the beta of the beta and see what your up at ^_^. This sounds promising.
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I should be the one who's sorry, I did took to much time, since I had to work today. Oh well. Il download the beta of the beta and see what your up at ^_^. This sounds promising.

No problem, I can understand having to work. And thanks anyway.


My plans for the next few days. Finish all construction, meaning all architecture, and lighting. Then I will either sit down and write a detailed storyline, or start doing the furniture. If anyone is willing to work with me on a storyline, please PM me. Or if anyone is willing to help with furniture, and clutter. Or just help period.


I'll be up for at least another hour or two, but if you miss me, till tomorrow!


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Ok, status update:


Tiberiu has volunteered to help me with ideas for the timeline, and was the first person to give me feedback on the beta. Apparently it has a breathtaking view, and I have a talent for modding. (I could have told ya that...)


The exterior and interior construction for buildings is almost complete! I'm going to chang the armory into a prison, as there is almost no use for an armory. Or a vault. Once I do that, the construction of buildings will be complete! Then I can do more lighting, and start trying to make the exterior more lively. One thing about making an entire city out of marble-like stone: It makes it feel dead. No action, no life, nothing but stone, stone, and more stone. Even if it is nice looking stone, it's still just stone. Thinking about making paths out of wood, or at least a different colored stone. Something to break monotony. Hell, I'd make it out of iron, if that was all there was.


Also going to have to have gardens, with lots of plants. That is going to get tedious. Not that anything else left ISN'T going to be tedious. Then I'm going to start furnishing the buildings, to give them a more "lived in" feel. After all of that is done, then I can make some pathing grids. Then I can start making the NPCs. So far I have to make 40+ of them. Probably more around 50, maybe 60. But that will probably be easy compared to making the quest. The big, giant quest of building a city. A flying city made out of stone that uses Ayleid architecture. That will last at least a month in gametime, and effect every single new NPC...



This should be fun!


Anyway, untill next time,



PS. I'm also going to have to look at the script for going to prison, since I'm making a new prison. Just another thing to add to the check list...

Edited by Omegano
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Here is a screenshot i took, of high above. hah picture of the day ^_^.




Il upload many more. Theres nothing like a little nice looking advertising screenshot to make people download a mod :).

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Updated the download. All buildings have been constructed, and changed the armory into a prison, mostly non-functional at the moment. The switches work, as do the doors, but nothing else has been done yet. Anyway, I'm going to go to bed, as I can't seem to get anything done at the moment.



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