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How can you make companions change equipment?


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This new companion wheel looks nice but it causes all kinds of problems. I prefere the "old" style where you could access the inventory directly and without ambiguity.


Also, not been able to "talk" to your companion is boring and for RP'ers a real immersion killler. Would be nice to have a conversation with your companion every now and then.


Btw: has anyone figured out how to dismiss a companion?


Cheers Euclid

I'm curious what problems the wheel has caused you? i havn't seen any, but that doesn't mean there aren't. Oh, and to hold conversations with your companions, just select "talk to" from the wheel.you can dismiss them from the resulting dialog as well.

Uhh, thanks for that. I have missed the "Talk to" bit.


Concerning the "problems" they are mainly equip weapons/armor but also modding their conversation. Risking to go off-topic here but does anyone know where CompanionQuestion is hidden? Seems not to be part of dialog.


Cheers Euclid

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