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CTD upon area transition, need help


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how about you try a master update??

basically, create a copy of the FO3Edit file, and change it's name to FO3MasterUpdate

then run this file, and see if it all works well

if there is no problem, you will see an All Done message, or something of that sort


see if this fixes your game

and if it tells you there is a conflict, try to solve it


note that you should do a master update every time you change your load order

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  • 2 weeks later...
For the fast travel CTD I went ahead and disabled the autosave which solved the problem for me. I am, however, experiencing CTDs whenever I fight the enclave. Not sure if it's some kind of AI scripting bug or what. I have actually been saving my game, exiting, and then restarting the game so that my saves are actually successful. This is very frustrating. I have had minimal CTDs in operation: anchorage and none in mothership zeta. Scratching my head here. I will try the mod that you recommended as I am running XP 32 bit and I know that some of my ram isn't being used. Makes me want to get 64 bit. Running a nVidia GTX 260 currently as well. 4 gigs ram on the mobo but know it's not all being used.
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