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Get rid of the auto play video ads...


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Just like every other site on the internet - the ads displayed are from a 3rd party advertising company - Nexus specifies that are not to use auto play ads, but sometimes the company that buys advertising changes the ads on purpose to get around this restriction. :mad: The ad company will remove the ad - but we have to be able to tell them what it is, As Ads are location specific - Europeans do not see the same ads as US users, and even US west coast may not see the same ads as east coast - so, you will need to identify the ad that is violating our policy so we can tell the ad company. :wallbash:


The best way is to get a screen shot and notify The site owner - Dark One using the contact form http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?app=nexus&module=support&section=new


The ad companies are shooting themselves in the foot by not policing their advertising and driving so many people to ad blocking. :rolleyes:

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