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3 things that i miss a lot in new vegas:(btw sorry for bad english)


1: FOOD/DRUGS?WATER and all other AID itens being in the same cathegory, actualy the problem is not the items, is the lack of sub-categories, i feel like it should have sub categories.

Like when you select AID, you get all AID itens and below that WEAPONS/APPEL/AID/ETC... there is sub categories for the category selected atm, for instance BOOKS, MAGAZINES, FOOD, DRINK, BOTH, DRUGS, for weapons would be MELLE, UNARMED, LAZER, GUN, armor is HEAD, LIGHT, MEDIUM, HEAVY, and MISC would be, TRASH(anything that is not on a recipe), ELETRONICS, etc...


2: FOOD/WATER/RAD/SLEEP bars on the main HUD(there is a mod that sumarizes the STATUS submenu but the same mod breaks mouse whell and i can't seen to get just the STATUS.xml from the mod because it crashes if i do so), and hotkeys to eat and drink the first avaliable food in AID, even if it's alphabeticaly, or the first that feeds the least, or the one that feeds the most, etc...

There is plenty of space for that.


3: "drop all" and "don't move my friggin mouse every time you ask me an ammount" on containers and shops, i got a house in goodspring after killing everyone there and i put things to sell on the Cabinet, things to use on workbench in the future on the Desk, things i will use in the future(like guns) in the Footlocker, almost all my AID itens on the Fridge, and as a temporary container i use the Oven to store my stuff. Why i do that:

1: when full i go there and store all stuff i want to sell on the cabinet, when i want to sell or loot i store all the stuff i use(like my main weapons and armor) on the Oven and fill my inventory with itens to either stock at the Cabinet or to sell.


That's basicaly it :D

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If you want more storage options, check out the various mods on Nexus for the Lucky 38 Presidential Suite.

I'm using the Better Lucky 38 Presidential Suite by SniperJJS13.

Make sure you get the Lucky 38 Map Marker mod too.

I now use that as my main home, it's got more wardrobes & stash boxes than you could ever want.

Plus you can get an Infirmary, Laboratory, Jukebox, Nuka-Cola Machine, Reloading Bench and Workbench as well.

Also, the double bed in the main bedroom grants a well rested bonus after 8 hours sleep.

Before you store loads of stuff in the Crafting Locker by the Workbench, save your game & move forward a week.

Then check to see if any stuff went missing from the Crafting Locker...

If your stash has disappeared, download the Lucky 38 Suite Respawn fix by Thomasd1979


Have fun!

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