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Unique Landscapes for Fallout


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Although I was unable to find any similar topics in a search I apologize if this has already been suggested.


It seems to me that we know have mods adding more monsters, quests, weapons and outfits and so along with bugfixes most of the issues and weak points of the game have been addressed except for one important one, the boring landscape.

Although Bethesda makes fairly great games they seem to have had trouble recently with game worlds that look exactly the same wherever you go in them. This issue was addressed in Oblivion by a great mod/mod series Unique Landscapes which added variety to the world giving different regions a unique look and feel and i think that a mod like this is well passed due for Fallout. I feel that different regions of the wasteland could certainly be given their own unique look while still keeping with the post-apocalyptic feel of the game.


Thats the main idea here, thoughts, suggestions, and interest from modders welcome.

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