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Unarmed stance


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Hi there,i really wish a mod that changes the animation of the idle fists when you want to fight,so they will be open instead of closed,exactly like is when you are wielding a spell.I want this for my khajiit,i think it will improve immersion as khajiits have claws and they attack with the hand open.Can someone please make this?

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I agree it's pretty dumb to stab your hands with your own claws but I found an unused animation.


Download "Beast Unarmed Stance" but you may also like the remeshed claws.

I'm not able to make it work only for beast races so it replaces the stance for all races. The third person animation is pretty "feral" and may not make much sense for other races.

Edited by Derok
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I agree it's pretty dumb to stab your hands with your own claws but I found an unused animation.


Download "Beast Unarmed Stance" but you may also like the remeshed claws.

I'm not able to make it work only for beast races so it replaces the stance for all races. The third person animation is pretty "feral" and may not make much sense for other races.

Thanks for the reply,i know about the claws,i found you'r mod when i was looking for khajiit hand meshes and i'm using it,it's great.Anyway,that third person animation,its very nice,kinda fitting for khajiit,but can you make the stance in first person to hold the hands like they were having a spell on them please? It wont bother me at all if it's for all races.

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