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[REQ] Live Forever remake


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There is almost unknown mod called Live Forever that revamp death system:



I really like the idea. Its simple, highly compatible and doesnt give troubles on heavily modded Skyrim like Death Alternative does. But Live Forever has one big problem. When you get fatal blow with lives left, monsters dont go away from you and you stuck in place, so when you revive you often get killed again. Maybe some script wizard could fix this by doing remake of such mod?

Features Id like to see:


1. You can adjust in MCM how many bonus lives you have before dying permanently. You can also adjust how much % of gold you loose with each bonus life.

2. When you get fatal blow, instead of reloading, you see kneel animation. When you kneel, you can crawl away. There is no time limit of crawling animation, you decide when to get up. Enemies become non hostile until you stand up (left mouse button).

3. When you stand up, you loose one bonus life, loose set amount of gold, see a message how many lives you have left. You also have your health, stamina and mana brought back to full, and all the buffs and debuffs (including from mods like Frostfall and RND) removed.

4. You can fully replenish your bonus lives by renting a room in any tavern and sleeping there for at least 6 hours. Cant replenish lives anywhere outside tavern. When you replenish your lives, you get the message about it.

5. If you have no bonus lives left, essential status is gone and you die normally (no need to change it since there is a good mod Dead is Dead that will be a great a great addition to our mod).




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