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PM Message Window not popping up.


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Hey Yall


Im curently using 'nix and Mozilla Firebird 0.6.1 as my browser; my question is why isn't a new window "poping" up when I have new PMs? Sometimes I have PMs a week old because the window doesn't pop up when new ones arrive <yea I COULD look up and see the PM count but Im lazy and thats not the point :P>


I thought that this COULD be a 'nix thing so log into windows and start up Firebird and the same thing happens <or in this case doesn't happen>. Any clues to this?? Is it some specific Internet Explorer code that is used to activate the pop up?




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Opera and IE use many of the same tags, and there are things Opera can't do that IE can, and vice versa. This is due to something that is specifically targetted for an IE (and possibly Nutscrape) proprietary/shared tag/script.


And needless to say, these forums look like SHAT in lynx. ;D


-- D

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:lol: Ahh Marxist you alwyas bring a smile to my face :D Nah Im fine with my super fast browser thanks. Used Opera a few years back *cough* useless *cough* but thanks anyway <i like the whole tab thing in Mozilla and Firebird>


Never actually being in here using Lynx. I stay away from that thing with a barge pole. I ain't touching that :D


MM well that sucks. Well in all honesty I doubt that its a properity script/tag <well I HOPE not :( > Why I say that is because I thought this site was W3 compliant and even if it did use a script <which Im sure it does> wouldnt it be like jscript or some cool uber perl script? Do you know what it is exactly Daerk? <please say you do and all I have to do is click my heels and say "Theres no place like linux. Theres no place like linux" :D >

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Its one of the "generic" avators. In the ILB Community Pack or something? <don't quote me on that>. Find it in My Controls -> Avator Settings -> and then go choose from the drop down box ILB or ICB or something like that. It is there.
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