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Hi Folks,


Last night I discovered something strange in the game with Oblivion. The flame of a campfire in the ruins of Sercen suddenly float horizontally in the air. Please have a look at the screenshot. :blink: Well, a few weeks ago, this was not the case. Until now, this bug only occurs in the ruins of Sercen. Perhaps the phenomenon was caused by another mod. If anyone has an idea how to fix this bug, I'd be very grateful for a reference.





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You say this didn't occur until a few weeks ago. The question that should then be asked is what has changed with your games since this has occurred. Perhaps you are using mods that weren't used before. If this is the case, it is very likely a mod is causing the problem. If this is the conclusion you come to, then my suggestion would be to use process of elimination by running only one mod at a time until you find the mod that causes this glitch. This particular mod is probably just a dirty mod. If and when you find the mod that causes this just use TES construction set to clean the mod by opening data, highlighting the desired mod, and click details. This will list the instructions of changes the mod makes to the master. Set ignore flags to the undesired instructions. An alternative is to use a separate program. TES4Edit is a good one. Here is the link: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11536
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You say this didn't occur until a few weeks ago. The question that should then be asked is what has changed with your games since this has occurred. Perhaps you are using mods that weren't used before. If this is the case, it is very likely a mod is causing the problem. If this is the conclusion you come to, then my suggestion would be to use process of elimination by running only one mod at a time until you find the mod that causes this glitch. This particular mod is probably just a dirty mod. If and when you find the mod that causes this just use TES construction set to clean the mod by opening data, highlighting the desired mod, and click details. This will list the instructions of changes the mod makes to the master. Set ignore flags to the undesired instructions. An alternative is to use a separate program. TES4Edit is a good one. Here is the link: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11536





thank you very much for your answer. Well, I found out that REAL LIGHTS v0.7.2 is the reason for this bug. I will try the new Real Light Version in ALL NATURAL. I hope it will fix this bug.





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