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X-Box 360 fake?


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Aww sorry, just didn't see it. ^^" *blushes*

I should change it I guess.

EDIT: changed ;)


And to not let it end up as spam...


There have been several addons and player made stuff for the Sims, but the whole game was just boring. The only think I liked there was building a house and furnish it.

I stil play NWN sometimes, although the graphics are really bad for today's standard. But with the construction set and player made worlds and settings it really has a great fun factor up until now.

Although I think something equal would have been more than simply nice for Oblivion...

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When you play oblivion on pc you have windows between your computer and the game. Also lots of other programs running.


When you play oblivion on xbox you don't have anything slowing your game down. There might be also other reasons why it's better with less in xbox.

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