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XRE cars Van Buren


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The original fallout 3 that was going to be made by interplay which almost all of New Vegas is based on, was going to feature vehicular combat and a large amount of vehicles, I am requesting these vehicles to be made XRE cars and placed around the Mojave in places where these vehicles would be found
(click the names to see the concept art)

police cruisers: mostly found around MP NCR troopers around the strip, and what was once police stations across the mojave. not the fastest, but gets the job done


Boudicca-78/S: desert bike mostly used by small groups of roaming NCR/legion grunts


Raider buggy: fast and mauverable, used by wasteland savages and raiders, khans included. mostly reserved for those who have made a name for themselves around the various raider factions, like ringleaders or gang bosses


Road tractor: heavy, big, robust, and durable. a big truck that can hold the whole player's party in a trailer. destructive and just a big monsterousity


Vault-tec sports car: several of these can be found in the strip, near vault 21, also some owned by some of the strip families. extremely expensive, easily broken, cannot handle harsh envoirnements. but damn, is it pretty and fast!


Legion chariot: used by most of the higher ranking legioniarres,extremely fast and durrable endgame vehical



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