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Looking for voice actors, URGENT!


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I am making a short quest for my mod with and i need few voice actors for the dialogue.


The characters:


Aya - A young high elf female, the main character in the quest. Her twin sister has joined a daedric cult without realising the danger he has put herself into, Aya wants to save her but a magical force is preventing her from entering the daedric ruins and so Dovahkin comes into the play.


Relatively small amount of dialogue is needed for Aya.




Leila - Another young high elf female, she becomes dovahkins follower almost right at the begining of the quest as she realises that she can have more fun with dovahkin after she watched him sloughter her "Daedric room mates" and so Leila agrees to help dovahkin get Aya's sister back.


Leila is a bubbly character that loves getting drunk and playing with fire.


Leila will need the most dialogue.




The Cult Priest - A Daedric cult leader who meets dovahkin and Leila right after performing a daedric ritual which will open a portal to hell itself.


Only few lines are needed for this character.



I only have one specification, ou have to be convincing in your acting thats it.


If you are interested fell free to pm me or post here i will be checking reguraly.






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Hi, I don't mind providing my voice pro bono for the priest, so long as it is just a few lines.


I have a somewhat formal male British accent and I am aged 43.


I can record something pretty soon. I am not an actor, but I think I can do a good job, as I love fantasy games and I am familiar with the need to set a convincing stage with the audio.





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Hi, I don't mind providing my voice pro bono for the priest, so long as it is just a few lines.


I have a somewhat formal male British accent and I am aged 43.


I can record something pretty soon. I am not an actor, but I think I can do a good job, as I love fantasy games and I am familiar with the need to set a convincing stage with the audio.






Apologies my fellow Englishman. I jumped in without reading your post. :confused:

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