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Disabling virals?


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I've been looking at the spawn presets and it did disable the spawning but thats just a small part of the script, the script itself is still running and you still get the tiresome noise of the screams everytime you pull the trigger.

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that is why we need a sound suppressor mod ... I personally like it that you risk the chance of an aggro if you make a loud noise ... using loud ranged weapons is only one of the triggers, the others are explosions, car alarms & the rarer security alarm which can cause a horde of them to attack you.


but totally disabling virals .... no I don't think so because the game would be pretty boring without the variety, If I died because I decided to use a firearm instead of melee or missed a grab while jumping, it's on me, I actually would like to see zombie dogs & sea creatures like sharks because it is totally safe if you jump into the water and I don't want it to be.

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most things you are requesting are never gonna happen you know.. adding surpessed weapons and such is a whole 'nother ball game, maybe when we get actual mod tools but for now not a chance, too many files to edit and simply too much work.


as for disabling virals, that's all up to me and you seem to never have been neck deep in a never ending horde of zombies, it isn't boring.

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Not saying it's not up to you so you can do what you want, I wouldn't use a mod that disables one of the main enemies in the game and I have been "neck-deep" it was on the bridge at night during a mission, I had to die a few times before figuring out how to avoid the encounters, that wasn't the only time there were many other times when thing became dicey so don't assume.

Edited by alienzerox
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