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Drinking Animations!


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I think it would be great if your sitting on a bar stool in Moriarty's or anywhere else and when you select a drink from your inventory, a script closes the PipBoy and you watch as your character throws back whatever drink you selected.


Please vouch for this mod and submit additional ideas.


~ Thanks XD

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You could switch out the KFs and create a new copy animated object in the GECK and tie it to the default StoolDynmaicIdle anim. But then all NPCs would drink when they played the idle too.


Another more complicated way would be to go to make a new animation branch. First extract Characters\_Male\IdleAnims\SitStoolDrinkNukaBottleA.kf from the meshes BSA. Then in the GECK go to the GamePlay drop down on the toolbar follow this file path:

IdleAnimations\Charaters\_Male\IdleAnims\FurnitureIdles\Sitting\StoolSitting\StoolDynamicIdle. Click on StoolDynamicIdle once to highlight it and then right click and Insert Sibling. Name the new anim PLAYERStoolDynamicIdle. The Art File will be blank. Click Edit and path it to the extracted KF. BE SURE your file path matches the vanilla one.


The Conditions for the anim should be:


GetIsID Player == 1

IsPC1stPerson (no function info) == 0


The last step is to create a new copy animated object in the GECK and tie it to the your new default StoolDynmaicIdle anim. In the Object Window find Miscellaneous and the Object you want is aoStoolDrinkingNukaBottle. Rename it and repath the anim from SitStoolDrinkNukaBottleA to the new PLAYERStoolDynamicIdle you just made.


Save the esp and try it out. This is all theory but it should work. :cool:


EDIT: this will make the player perform the anim every time. For a random element you could make a duplicated PLAYERStoolDynamicIdle and add the conditions

GetRandomPercent <= 33 on to the first one and GetRandomPercent <= 50 on the other. That way the player will perform the normal sit dynamic and have random chances governed by game mechanics to do the other two idles. Of course you would have to make one more animated object and tie it to the second anim the same way you did for the first.


Confusing, ain't it? :laugh:

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