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Fallout New Vegas Multiplayer



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  1. 1. Do you want a multiplayer mod.

  2. 2. Do you think my changes could work if there were to be a multiplayer mod?

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First off let me just say I know Fallout is not designed for multiplayer. Alright? Now to the request/idea


*note for all the cant think of anything so far problems, I will edit the post to change it if i think of anything*



I was wondering if a multiplayer mod or client could ever be possibly made for New Vegas. Imagine how fun it would be to roam the wasteland with a couple of friends!

Only problem is that a lot of things would have to be changed/added;




These are problems that need to be changed





Every menu is not in realtime.


Solution: is to change that to real time.


Problem: you can be attacked trying to change weapons, heal, etc


Changing to realtime would make the game a bit harder, but thats were friends come in. For example you could have 5 people trying to kill a deathclaw, Naturally npcs tend to only aim for 1 target letting other people change weapons and/or other actions.





When you die you revert to the last save



Solution: respawn at a certain respawn point around the wasteland (sorta like borderlands). Pick what neutral+ town you want to spawn at. Get revived by some friends (revival weapon?)


Problem: Cant think of anything so far


Dieing does not seem to be that big of a problem, Then again I have no clue how to code. But the idea is simple. Put respawn points near towns or safe places around the wasteland so when you die you.. well respawn there. Oh and you keep your items.








Solution: Have a vote style traveling were a player selects a location on his/her pipboy, or tries to enter a location (eg a door) a vote menu will appear.


Problem:People could grief it purposely choosing not to travel.


Traveling does not seem to be to much of a problem for multiplayer. Only thing that could be a problem is loading. My solution for that is to have a Call of duty 5 Nazi zombie style loading system were everyone has to be ready before it would load the location. Oh and for the voting it would be a majority style vote(Hur dur).







Solution: People can save there characters (items they have in there inventory) and there location. Also having the 'server' save at intervals, eg every 5 mins the server will save everyones character and the map.


Problem: Cant think of anything so far





Loot; Sharing



Solution: Having a world of warcraft style looting system were the good weapons (30+ damage maybe?) were you can request a weapon/s or pass it on.



Problem: Cant think of anything so far



Loot does not seem to be a massive problem. it could be simply distributed among people. eg splitting ammo/caps/stackable items equally among people in your group (in multiplayer aspects)





Singleplayer does not have a lot of items (quantity wise).



Solution: Tripling (maybe) The amount of items (only stackable) found in the wasteland on bodies or in boxes, crates, etc.



Problem: If your traveling by yourself you might find about 100 .357 rounds on a dead npc (example)




Items are a bit of a tricky subject. When your in a group its all balanced, But by yourself your laughing your way to the bank... Or vault I should say. eg (problem). then again you probably wont be traveling by yourself, that would ruin the purpose of multiplayer. Another solution is to have a little mod were it would change the amount of items you find depending on the members in your group.






Experience; Sharing



Solution; distributing experience among people depending on damage done to the npc.



Problem: People could farm exp



Experience is a mix between loot and items (the solution). It gets distributed among people depending how much the contribute to the fight. Also the amount of experience for a monster is double/ tripled etc depending on the amount of people in your group. Problem being you farm exp. eg no one does anything to help you kill the monster thus making you get more exp.





Quests, its a one man job.



Solution: Having the person who started the quest (guy who talks to the npc to start the quest) has to hand over the items/ do the objective.



Problem: certain quests have things like little cinematics, or places were you have to stand while the npc does something else.



Quests could have one simple fix and that is to make it a one man job sort of speak. Whoever starts the quest has to do it, (also your friends will get the quest(if there in your group))Only one person has to kill this or collect that, but when he/she completes the quest in question(lol) the whole group completes it.





V.A.T.S Is not in realtime



Solution: Simple enough make it realtime.



Problem: it would be hard to target certain areas due to it being a moving target, and you would have to get rid of cinematics.



Vats could be fixed easily by making it realtime, Problem with that is well.. Its above this.








Solution: Remove it



Problem: you have to sit through night.





Npc Spawning



Solution: change it to about 6-12 in-game hours



Problem: Cant think of anything so far






Stores: Not enough to go around.



Solution: Make stores or traders have a unlimited amount of items at a higher price.


Problem: cant think of anything so far











My idea is to have a Up-to-4 player group system, were it affects things like Friendly fire (you can hurt other groups! :3(but not your own group members)), Experience rate, monster health, items, etc. You can make your own group, with things like names, level requirements, skill requirements, karma requirements,etc. and also set allies with other groups, or wars.




Multiplayer Client



Another idea is to make a multiplayer only client. Kinda like SA-MP (San Andreas-multi player). There would be server names, ping, amount of players, dlc requirement(?), etc. This could be extremely hard tho.




Last but not least.. Server's


This could be the death of this whole idea. Making a server that runs the wasteland 24/7 would be extremely hard. I cant go into much detail because I know nothing of servers, but it seems like it would be nearly impossible to do it. Maybe you could have a singleplayer style server sort of speak. were it only loads or runs areas were people are in.




I have hoped you enjoyed reading this post. Take note this did take me a while so dont call it a s*** thread. Its merely an idea. I mostly want to see what people think of it. So what do you think of it?



P.S. If I missed anything please tell me

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Personally i believe Fallout New Vegas would be great with a little multiplayer mod since the game is well balanced and show how much Fallout 3 was broken.


I believe it would be possible with a well balanced Spawning system like


1 player - 5 mobs

2 players - 10 mobs

3 players - 15 mobs

4 players - 20 mobs


Why so many?.... Because we all love Wasteland Battles and it would require tactic and wisdom to overcome the odds in battle!


Numbers of mobs spawned per group would varies from the Server Difficulty OR from the type of mobs your fighting? I know it would be insane to go against a group of 20 Deathclaws unless we have deathwishes.


Just to say that Fallout New Vegas would be a game stable enough to handle a 4 Players Multiplayer , more then that would make the game extremely unstable


Personally i believe it to be possible to make a light multiplayer game from Fallout New Vegas and give in a Fallout Tactic-ish experience to the game.


With enough hearts and effort it might be do-able.


Respawn System?


Well if you die you reappear in front of the house of Dr. Mitchell and your body turn into a "Wastelander" Body with all your stuff on it, and once looted it dissapear.

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The Mojave Desert doesn't have the landscape size to accommodate multiplayer. Maybe the DC Wasteland, or better yet a custom built map, OR MAYBE everything. The Pitt (expanded), Mothership Zeta, Point Lookout. The list goes on.


That said, I like the idea. Maybe faction PvP between players (NCR, BoS, Enclave, Legion etc etc), switching factions, rewards based on reputation.


When you die you could respawn at the nearest friendly medical facility.

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I love this idea, but I really believe the only type of multiplayer that would work is 2-4 player co-op. I think that would rock. One of my flatmates and I have been saying that it would be really fun to play co-op in New Vegas, because of the hugeness and such. It would be really, really cool.


I'm all for this mod, if it's possible.

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I love this idea, but I really believe the only type of multiplayer that would work is 2-4 player co-op. I think that would rock. One of my flatmates and I have been saying that it would be really fun to play co-op in New Vegas, because of the hugeness and such. It would be really, really cool.


I'm all for this mod, if it's possible.




but just imagine... like 3 groups of 4 fighting each other. It would be epic

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