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Trespass Problem


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How do I make a room have ownership without having my character trespass to enter?


I tried to edit the Imperial Legion Mess Hall so that I could enter without getting arrested. I've gotten to the point where I can enter freely, but now all of the items inside are free for the taking. I'm in a big Imperial Pickle here... :huh:

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What are you trying to do? Just enter a room without getting a fine, or what?


You could just set the fines and dispostition hits to 0 through the game settings. That way you can go wherever you want without people being too upset. They still do their whole follow and eventually attack thing, but you don't have the immediate problems to worry about.

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Basically, I'm trying to make it so I can legally enter the building. Kind of like a shop...the NPC/faction owns the building, but you can mostly come and go as you please. I've tried setting it up like a shop, but I still get a red door.


Locks! That's what I was thinking too, but they are still pissed when I go through the newly unlocked door.


I'm gonna try some new things in a little bit...I'll be back!

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Tricky one. I would go for factions.

Either create your own and put all the guards in it, or make a new rank in the existing. The first one would be the best.


Factions wouldn't work in this case. The building is owned by ***Guard faction, adding yourself to that faction would allow you to take what you want from the building without any problems. Adding all guards to the same faction you're in wouldn't change anything, and would require editing of about 100 NPCs. Since all he wants to do is remove the tresspass part, the easiest way to do it would be as I said before. Ths would allow you to move about with reasonable freedom, but not able to just grab everything that isn't nailed down. It's actually a hell of a lot easier to do. Under Gameplay > Settings, change iCrimeGoldTresspass and iCrimeDispTresspass to 0.


I acutally use those settings in my game as part of my tweak set, so it shouldn't cause you any problems.


The only other alternative would be removing the faction from the room, and adding it to all items in that room, but again, that's alot of work, and may not react well with other mods.

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Nonono, do it by scripting.

When guards do something guards have to do (Open the door to their beds, etc.)


Attach a script to the door:

Scn bob

begin onActivate
if (Ref.IsInFaction guards)
ref.setfactionrank customfact 1

Really lazy code. I hope I didn't kill anyone at the sight.

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