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CTD when starting the game


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Now i have a problem with the Crossbows of Cyrodiil. I can buy the weapon and arrow but when i equip it i only see shadows of the crossbow and bolts in the inventory, in the 1st person screen the crossbow is purple, when i start to ''shoot'' with the crossbow my computer CTD's.
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Hmm don't know why shooting causes ctd but did you do archive invalidation after you installed so many texture/meshes mods? =) Maybe this will give you textures back and will stop ctd :)
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Then yes, if all resources for the mod are present, you are indeed doing something erroneously. Starting fresh, I suggest you read the Mod's ReadMe in its' entirety and ensure you follow it step by step. Then follow the advice above about Archive Invalidation to ensure that Oblivion will recognize and use the new files. I'll also refer you to another great site which is a plethora of information, from beginner to advanced. TESIV:POSItive, Tomlong's site.
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