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Looking for help (Tutorial Finding)


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Hey, I'm looking for a tutorial on skinning, I've been looking for a while and i got the basics (DDS tools, nifskope) just wondering if there's a tutorial out there that's not the most complicated thing in the world. @_@''


I'm not trying to make a new model I'm just trying to swap textures. I tried in the GECK but i don't see how i can get the texture up on the list.


Please help.

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On FO3nexus is a guy by the name of Miax who has many wonderful and essential tutorials....here is a link to his GIMP/Nifscope texturing tutorial...be sure and check out all of his work----do advanced search for "miax".

good luck....


To add a new texture ( MyTex.dds, MyTex_n.dds) in the geck, you need to make a new textrue set in the Miscellanous/texture set section of the object list. Then you open the object you want the texture to be applied to and edit the object by applying you new texture to it----making sure you rename the object (MyWastelandOutfit---whatever, so that you don't change the original obect in the game).

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