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Kelsey wont use the custom hair mod!


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What I did is I changed Kelsey (the companion) into an Asian Race. Then I used the hair pack to change her hair, the hair pack is this : http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1146.


But it didn't work, when I started the game, the hair is not the one I changed into, it is the femaleC hair from fallout 3 (which to me looks really crap).


I know that the only way to change her hair is to change her race back to Caucasion Teen and use her default hair and then change her default hair. But I want her to be asian race.


Can anyone PLEASE help me? I really want to change her hair.


IMAGES of my problem:







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The way I figured out how to do what you're wanting to do was to click on "Characters" at the top then "Races" then the "Face Data" tab. On the left you'll see "Races" above a box that lists all of the available races. Click on the one you want to use and make sure the box at the bottom labeled "female" is checked. Note that at the right you'll see two other boxes called "eye colors" and "Hair Styles". Leave the dialog box you opened open and return to the top and click "Characters" then "Hair". This will open another, separate, dialog box. Locate the hair you want, click it and holding the left mouse button, drag it to the box labeled "Hair Styles" and release the mouse button. This will add the hair style you want to the race you want to use. Close all dialog boxes and click "save". Now you should be able to change Kelsey's race to Asian and have the hair style you want available.

Hope this helps.

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