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Veronica/Cass Editing Issues


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Hey guys, I'm pretty much new to GECK editing altogether, but I have edited some character modles already (Boone, Victor, Raul) without any problems what so ever. Here's the thing though, any ime I try to edit either Cass or Veronica, there are always issues.


In the case of Cass, no matter what I try to do to edit her, the changes never take affect. The only things I am using are the main FNV esm, and the Rikai Beauty pack. However, even after setting both of these as active and making a new face esp, nothing changes in game.


In the case of Veronica, I am only able to edit her if I use default hair/eyes (I am also only running FNV esm, and the Rikai Beauty pack while trying his). If I try to use any custom hair/eyes, Veronica automatically assumes the default hair "HairMessy03F" and default eye color.


Here's the other thing, I have Archive Inv. active, and this still happens even when all other mods are turned off. I know I'm not doing anything wrong on the basis that as aforementioned, Boone, Victor, & Raul have all been edited with no errors.



Help appreciated.

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