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Question about nif file location


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Can someone tell my why a lot of the nif files seem to be missing, but they load in game? Are they all in BSA files or what?


Is.... dunbarrel02.nif in a folder to anyone? I think it might be in a BSA file, and if that's so does anyone know what BSA file it might be in?

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BSA's store ALL of the Vanilla resources, textures, meshes, sounds, etc... In your Data folder you'll find many appropriately named BSAs. BSA is simply an archive Bethesda Softworks Archive, much like what 7zip would create, storing many files. In your case you're looking for meshes, so they're in the Oblivion - Mehses.bsa. You can extract and repack BSAs using Oblivion Mod Manager or BSA Commander.
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