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Companion/Follower based Long Load Screen Crash problem

dragon awakened

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Greetings to all,


Around a month ago my computer was hit with a really nasty virus resulting in a complete loss of my Skyrim game and all related mods. I reloaded my Skyrim and redownloaded all of the old mods I had or at least that I could find.

Ever since the reload I have been dealing with a problem that I am at my wits end over. The game for the most part plays fine with the exception of the typical crashes associated with Bathesda games until I pick up any Follower/Companion vanilla or modded. The game becomes far more unstable and I would estimate that 75% of the time when I try to go through a transition into a house, city or dungeon the game goes into a long loadscreen crash. If I try to separate from them I can almost guarantee 95% of the time my game goes into a long loadscreen crash.


I know it would be easier to diagnose if I had a mod load order set up here but I don't quite know how to do that yet.

* - I use UFO and all of it's plug ins and they are placed at the lowest part of the load order list as the instructions say.

* - My system is not the most efficient being a 32bit and not a 64 but up until the virus hit everything ran steady.

* - I broke down and downloaded the SKSE at its most current build/version.

* - I have less than 75 mods (yes, I am picky lol)

* - I use the most up to date versions of the following companion follower mods: Danariel Stormbow, My Home Is Your Home, Lunari Warriors (not all members used), Ashara, Erin and Sienna (total of 6 members in that group) and a specifically made for me follower named Calandria that will not be found here on Nexus as of yet. The crashes were all happening well before Calandria was downloaded so I know that mod is not the source.

* - I know that UFO has a maximum limit of 15 followers but at most I use 14 (7 travel with me and 7 guard my home)

* - I am not a computer wiz when it comes to dealing with tech based problems and my system does not seem to handle the Creation Kit at all (insta crash). I tried to be as clear with everything here as possible.


If you can help in any way I appreciate it. If I need to clarify anything further I will do my best to do so.


I thank you for the time you took to read this.




Dragon Awakened

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