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Sounds of Skyrim + Climates of Tamriel + RLO patches


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Hello everyone,


I have a question about mod installation and patches. I want to use Sound of Skyrim (the wilds, the dungons and civilisation), Climates of Tamriel and Realistic Lightning Overhaul. I knew there were some problems with SoS and CoT, but I read people use both of them, so I checked the SoS patch files and became really confused.


Sorry if that's been already answered, I searched the forums but coudn't find a definite answer.


So, the Wilds and Civilisation are easy, they only have CoT patch, that I downloaded and will be using.


SOS Dungeons, on the other hand, has patches for RLO (I didn't even know they conflicted), and there are three of them:


SoS - The Dungeons-PatchRLODungeonLighting.esp

SoS - The Dungeons-PatchRLODungeons.esp

SoS - The Dungeons-PatchRLOMajorCityInteriors.esp


Should I use all of them or choose one?


As for Dungeons and CoT, there's only:


SoS - The Dungeons-PatchCoTHardcore.esp


Does it mean only CoTHardcore (I guess it means hardcore night settings?) is supported, or that only that version need a patch? Do I need to switch to hardcore nights to use CoT with SoS dungeons?


Has anyone used those three mods together and can guide me through all the patches & stuff? I'm using Mod Organizer, so I don't overwrite any files. Sorry if that's a noob question or it has been answered already, then just give me a link please.


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I remembered using those three mods without problems.Just apply all of the patches and use loot to sort them. I didn't use CoT for dungeons (I choose vanilla in the setup) so I don't know about the hardcore patch, I think RLO handle the dungeons's lighting pretty well though. Nevertheless, make a save game and test them out for a few minutes. Also, be careful when removing lighting mod, they can give you some weird polygons when viewing items.
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