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'One for my Baby' quest problem


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In the quest 'one for my baby' I accidentally saved when Manny Vargas got shot by Boone. Now I don't want to start a whole new game or invest in nothing else than speech for 3 levels just to get Boone as a companion (I already deleted prior saves before I saw my fault). Is there any way (probably with the GECK) that I can reset the whole quest or just let Vargas live again and Boone forget about it? And somehow I don't have access to the console, otherwise it would probably be a lot easier. (I play on vista)


I've already looked in the GECK a bit but don't exactly know how to change this, I think it's something with the line: VBooneRevengeVargas or something like that...

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  • 1 year later...

Okay, that thread is old, but well, I've got a similar problem ...


Started the quest, talked to Ranger Andy and accidentally told him to follow me outside (didn't want to frame him, but heck, happened anyway). Then I talked to him again to see if I couldn't persuade him to stay inside. Turned out I could not AND I accidentally got me another bug - to quote The Vault wiki:

If you ask the wrong person to go in front of the dinosaur then talk to them about something else, they will become stuck and they do not return to their original location. After this you are no longer able to take Jeannie May Crawford in front of the dino, rendering the quest broken.


Now I tried to move Andy via console in front of the dinosaur, but Boone's apparently not in a killing mood and won't shoot him.


Any way at all I could fix that mess? (I don't care who gets killed in the end or who lives, I'd just like to have Boone available as a possible companion)

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