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New Vegas Content into Fallout 3


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Well thank you helpers in this thread. I successfully swapped the Dogmeat model with Rex without problems, and have NCR and Legion armors in the game.


Congrats, I'm glad you've got it working!


Well, thank you very much for your assistance so far, but I need some help to complete my project. It's not just the importing of textures, it's the creation of a new item that can be worn with medium and light armors. I had the intent to take the NCR Ranger Armor's duster and just use it as an item by it's self, to cover the various types of combat armors in the wasteland, paticularly the ones that Prometheus_Ts created. I'm playing a personally modified version of Fallout Wanderer's Edition, and I have specific weather mods that I thought would be fun to play with. The cool thing about the Enhanced weather mods are that it rains radioactive acid rain that damages health and raises rads, and creates powerful dust storms which damages armor. The whole thing about a duster is that protects your clothing while protecting you from certain types of weather. Even I wear a duster while taking care of our cattle out here with my grandad in Southwestern Colorado. I just thought instead of just looking cool, it could have a utilitarian purpose too. For example, equipping the armor might give you some additional DR and rad resistance, while also giving you a bonus to charisma and small guns, just like the sheriff's duster. This will require nifskope I know, and fiddling around, but do you think there is anyway I could somehow make it a seperate item entirely?

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I tried that myself. I wasn't able to get it, but you might.

On the other hand, I did some searching, and if you check the images tab using meshes from this mod could help:



Well, there's a badass mod called Tailor Maid by sin7188 that allows you to completely customize your outfit to suit your needs. Granted, I don't need ALL the accessories that are availible there, but it would be pretty cool to have some of those. If I can find out how he scripted that feature in, I'll be set, lol!

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