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Unordinary big sim-like fortress/town


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I would love to see something like have been made in neverwinter nights 2, sim fortress... the idea is from beginning :


1. Retake piece of land from mutants/raiders/talon company (must be strong opponents with fighting tactics, like when fighting one group in front, other flank u with miniguns/rocket lounchers or even fatman etc)


2. Once the land is free of bad guys, enable option on certain NPC ( lets say this part of land ruler ;D) to buy it/own it, ie if its near rivet city, player must get it from council members.


3. Once land is owned by player it attracts automatically couple NPCs, some would be without dialogues just simple workers(who later play role of work force to build up town) who see future in this new free part of wasteland, other part would be ingeneer (builder) recruiter (who gets new ppls into our small town) armouer ( to who we order how to equip guards ) someone like player second hand, to who we order to allow more ppls to move in etc...


3a. Recruiter would be someone to who we say what kind of new guars we want, weak with small gunnery skills would result in lets say 1-5 lvl npc with ~60 small guns skill etc, or strong with enerhy weapons knowledge. Ofcourse every new guard would have to be able to talk with player, say his specialty of weapons etc, and player would be able to personally equip any guard in town (or get 100% on steal and not aggro em, this would allow to put in/take out stuff).


3b. Builder to who we order what kind of buildings to build... player residence (couple lvls, bigger lvl bigger cost better house (additional room/storage etc), Walls with couple lvls 1st ordinarry barricades with holes, ending up on big wall with stairs and firing points or even possibility to build turrets on them. Houses couple kinds, workers house to attract more workers/citizens, Shop to attract NPC trader, workshop to get someone for repairs, clinic (witch gets us doctor NPC into town (who could also walk trough town "healing" somehow guards)) Armoury etc.


3c. Armourer, depending on how many guards we got, equipping them would require player to deliver lets say if we got 30 guards, 30 armours of same kind, 30 weapons of same kind, helmet, and lets say some ammount of ammo for each weapon. after that player would get option to eitcher change, or upgrade their posess or give more ammo, change would give back certain eq type, upgrade would add ie 5 stims to each guard, psycho/medx etc. Ofcourse we still have option to equip individuals how we like, creating firing squads etc... 1 minigun 1 rocket, 1 sniper 3assault riffle and so on, how YOU like :D


4. Occasionally it would be attacked (when player is in) by random groups (would need of pre-prepared 10-20 groups of raiders/talon/mutants or enclave ? +group of 1-5 deathclaws), groups coz i would like to see town attacked by 2 different groups sometimes, who fight each other + player and his guards (would be more realistic)


5. How would it bring any profit ? player would be able to send squads to wasteland to bring loot/money/ammo back. This would require some kind of captain NPC to order something like that, then its just simple "dissapearing part of guards" (we decide before what kind of guards show up we send, weak/strong etc... and this would decide how much and what they bring back. Everything would be stored in Building build up by our NPC builder ;D And Player would have full acces to it.


6. At higher lvls of town there can be added some kind of love story ;p ( optional, but still its all for realistics and fun play :])


7. Every change would have to be made after couple days (sleeping waiting) far away from town. Or if its not possible, sleeping in bed in this town would trigger certain script... dunno how make it to work im open for discussion and any help with creating it. First of all, is it possible ? What parts of this plan would be 100% impossible ? This is just small part of what can be done, and what can be made to make it work like a real sim-town. If i get any interrest (and wont get LoL-ed :D) ill add more. contact [email protected]

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I think specific locations would have to be used for this kind of mod. The settler mod tried to have something like this where you could just start it anywhere and it worked, but only to a degree. If specific locations are scouted out and designated to be places where you can set up shop, i think it would make the process of making and using the mod much easier.


-Evergreen Mills_IDK if any quests take place there though.

-German Town Police HQ_Big Town quest order might have to be completed or some sort of compatibility issues addressed.

I cant think of any other locations right now, but I hope this mod gets accomplished and done right.


The player would still have free reign over the specific location as far as placing buildings and defenses and so on.

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ill take a look on location... must be big enough, to avoid collisions with lvling up buildings... also there can be added undegrounds to avoid buildings getting bigger outside (this could apply to central player ressidence)

This will be difficult to make all sripts from NPC to work together... perhaps it would be possible to controll functions described in first post, trough terminal ? still would require NPC to tell player that he can contact him trough terminal in his ressidence. Dunno... feel free to post ANY idea, ill take a look here tommorow. Cyas, and dont be sceptic, it CAN be DONE, and i know YOU WILL LIKE IT ! ;]

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