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OBSE... just a basic question o.O


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hi, sorry for my noobness. i dont really understand what im supposed to do with OBSE. i know the readme file says to put 3 files out of the archive into my oblivion folder, but beyond that.. um.. is that it? now will mods that say "requires OBSE" work for me? im pretty lost and new to all this. im bad with computers to begin with, so the wrye/obse/boss stuff is a huge nightmare for me. >< halp!
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OBSE is kinda main file you are going to need if you like mods and will use them in future :)

Just put the files where they need to be and i recommend you download obmm - oblivion mod manager :)

There you can see the mods and their load list and starting game with obmm automatically starts obse :)

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Yeah. Just make sure that when you run Oblivion, if you're not running it through OBMM, that you run obse_loader.exe and not any of the other files.


According to Tushaar, OBMM does that automatically, so that should work fine. (I use Wrye Bash more, so I'm not so well versed in the ways of OBMM.)

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