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Defense rating gone?


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It happened recently, defense ratings for all armor and equipment have disappeared. I have not installed any new mods other than the ones that I already had (I noticed they were gone after I bought some mod related armor and items from gun runners). Here's some screens of what I'm talking about, it's just blank slots now where the DR/DT should be.



The only mods I can think of that may have caused this to happen are Project Nevada and maybe the Dragonskin Tactical Armor mod. I say the Dragonskin mod because I recently used an item related to that mod, that I bought from GR to change the camo. After I used that item I noticed the DT values were missing, but Im not sure how long they have been missing. If need be i'll post my list of mods and load order, it's not a very big list.
Edited by ArchSublime
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