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Dear forum,


So, recently I downloaded rs children and loved it, the kids look amazing, especially in their new clothes. What killed the experience for me was Dawnguard, and specifically not being able to become a child vampire. This has been a dream of mine for some time, a playable child vampire using the rs children models, textures, etc. Unfrotunately I don't have the skill to create this on my own (Yet, i am learning though) and it would be great if another mod author decided to help. Ranaline, who made RS Children, seems to have not posted in eight months so its looking bleak, in terms of her or him adding that kind of functionality. I can't be alone in wanting this. I'm even willing to help to the best of my limited ability. If you have the time, skill, and inclination to assist, post here. Thanks.

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It's not on this site (can't even remember where I got it) and I don't know if it's compatible with RS Children (I deleted it when I switched to RS Children) but Children of the Sky has playable child vampires. But it only has one playable child race, and vampires only for them. Less than ideal, you know? But it's all I know of. Otherwise, you'll have to do what I did and edit RS Children to allow for vampire children.

Edited by Seattleite
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It's not on this site (can't even remember where I got it) and I don't know if it's compatible with RS Children (I deleted it when I switched to RS Children) but Children of the Sky has playable child vampires. But it only has one playable child race, and vampires only for them. Less than ideal, you know? But it's all I know of. Otherwise, you'll have to do what I did and edit RS Children to allow for vampire children.

Hi and thanks for responding, I appreciate it. How exactly did you edit RS Children to allow them? I've tried various compatibility mods, changes, upgrades, patching . . . .everything under the sun and I still can't figure out how. If you could provide some insight, into how to, I would be very grateful, thanks.

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Yeah, I haven't gotten it to work with Dawnguard without the console, but you can create your own extra races pretty easily in the CK. Just create a copy of each child race, and add the vampire abilities to it, and set the morphrace to the original race you copied. Done. Unfortunately, you still need to switch to use the console a LOT in Dawnguard. It's either smashing your immersion by using the console (don't worry it'll pass) or Children of the Sky, which is a loli/shota mod with only one playable child race. The plus side is that at least children in that mod can use regular clothes. (Making me kinda wish I hadn't rashly deleted it... Or could remember where I got it.)

Edited by Seattleite
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just an aside to the main discussion, but my mod Armor and Clothing for Kids will allow you to use all vanilla, DLC and modded clothing and armor with children (either as followers or the RS Playable race).


Adding the corresponding vampire races to the child races edited by Ranaline shouldn't be an overwhelming task. I'll take a look and see what changes to vanilla scripting might be required to enable vampire/werewolf transformations. No promises, but it seems like it should be doable!

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