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Bruma Oblivion Gate NPC Follow problems


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I had a bunch of simple mods installled, and when I got to the quest where you are aided by the Bruma guard Burd to enter the Oblivion gate, I told him to wait. I entered the gate, killed everything by being master sneak/archer and took out everyone at long range all the way till the end fellow at the tower.

I did this thinking it would be an easier abysmal stroll with some guards through fire scorched lands up until the end, where I would simply show him how to "take out the gate"..


Here's the bad news. I came back, told him to follow. He followed me with his boys through the gate, and after they pass into the gate on the other side, they stop and just stare. I unchecked any mods I had, and still they won't move. I even uninstalled the official mods, and no go. I tried saying "follow me" again, but this flew as high as a lava rock. Any ideas???

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Try going up and taking the Sigil Stone. Burd will probably appear even if he does not set off with you. The other two guards are cannon fodder anyway.


When I told him to wait he appeared as I got close to the Sigil Stone. However you can let him and his two guards accompany you and then forget about them. He can't be killed and so will appear at the Sigil Stone. (I am not sure what happens if he is unconscious when you reach the stone.)

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Ok...give me a few. I will try this. Being that neither him or the guards move when I leave the Oblivion gate to head to the tower, I am not worried about him getting knocked out.


Funny thing was, I was so desperate to resolve this, I even attacked him to get him to follow... (LOL..which worked...but he still wouldn't enter the the damned tower when I got there, only his guards would....and they were still not in the best of modds, so I quit trying that route...) I walked back outside to try to get him to come inside..(since he wanted me so bad,) only to find he had fell into the lava and kept going unconcience. lmao...

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(the site locked and after I sent the message 3 times because it looked like it wasnt being recieved....Sorry about the overpost.....admin, please delete the other two blanks...I did what I could to clean up the repeated message)





Ok... I tried the idea...but he does NOT appear when I get to the sigil stone. Any other ideas?? How might I "auto" complete the quest?? You mentioned the cheat sites...but I do not know the abreviations. Not that I am a moron of mild idiom nature, but I just don't know right off hand. ;-)

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Ok...give me a few. I will try this. Being that neither him or the guards move when I leave the Oblivion gate to head to the tower, I am not worried about him getting knocked out.


Funny thing was, I was so desperate to resolve this, I even attacked him to get him to follow... (LOL..which worked...but he still wouldn't enter the the damned tower when I got there, only his guards would....and they were still not in the best of modds, so I quit trying that route...) I walked back outside to try to get him to come inside..(since he wanted me so bad,) only to find he had fell into the lava and kept going unconcience. lmao...

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I dont see why you care about him beying with you so much. Just tell him to follow you, go to the sigil stone, and take it, regardless if he is with you or not. I belive that the sigil stone is scripted, so even if hes not there, you will still get the quest once you snatch it.
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once you snatch it.


LOL... read above...


I told him to follow me, then I go there.. He never follows..and when I try to grab it, it doesn't let me. I click click click and click...and the sigil simply won't be taken. Any codes or something I can enter to simply set the quest as "finished"??

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There is a code but 'simply' is the operative word. You have to find it from the CS. I think there is a cheat to complete a quest. Google UESP then select Oblivion and Console commands. It's 2am here and I'm off to bed. If you are still stuck tomorrow I'll have a look for you.
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Perhaps you should try loading from a previous saved game and try again? Besides asking you if you patched your game, i really don't know any other way, especially since you deactivated all the mods.
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