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Oblivion Flying Mod!


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As for the high acrobatics and the welkynd stones: I did it with acrobatics 95.


You can enchant the wings with the levitation mod, but that requires a little CS tweaking. I'm gonna' write a tutorial for this, now the new option is there :)

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GBHis I am interested in whether with high acrobatics you can reach all or any of the places I mentioned in my earlier post. If you have the time to check it out I would be really grateful as it is part of a project I am working on.
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With acrobatics around 100 you can jump higher than your character is tall, which is a little non realistic as I think. Also while jumping forwards to cross a canyon or something the character tends to walk in the air... ^^
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With acrobatics around 100 you can jump higher than your character is tall, which is a little non realistic as I think. Also while jumping forwards to cross a canyon or something the character tends to walk in the air... ^^



if u fortify ur acrobatics, past 100, like say 234. u can jump anywhere. except white gold tower, or whatever its called.

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Won't you have to cheat to acheave abillity values above 200?

And if so, where would be the fun?

I don't like jumping that high at all. A value of 100 is enough in my oppinion.

Also a speed that is higher than 50 on your stats is just... dunno, I don't like it. ;)

You feel like god with all stats at maximum... ^^

Okay if you start a new it isn't even better, being powerless and not having all those pretty abillities.

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I use the telekinesis spell to reach things. Who needs to jump when you can make the world come to you? :)


My point, which I think I made clear, was that the things I am referring to cannot be seen from the ground. Therefore you cannot use telekinesis to get them.

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The open door mods for the cities (they do exist and im not dreaming right?) would aleviate this problem, wouldn't it? Though i rather not think think how the FPS of my PC will free fall.


Malchik is correct, no way you can use teleknesis for that part, and someone mention just throw a fire bomb, but that would not guarantee all the gems will fall of the ledge, besides it would be too messy and mucho's hassle to look for all those gems in the tall grass. I just...cough! tcl'ed it.

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  • 6 years later...


tcl but it has the negative effect of making you pass through things!

Tell me about it. I used it to go atop of White Gold Tower, and whatcha now, when I disable it, I fall trough the tower all the way down. Then I found out my last save was about 1-2 hours ago.

get drakes dragon race, kind of fits with flight spell

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