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M92F Samurai Edge


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Hey everyone so as many of you know Resident Evil HD was recently released and its pretty awesome. So i thought i would request an M92F Samurai Edge, specifically the variant carried by Barry Burton. There is already a port of one from FO3 and its pretty cool but it lacks the professional quality of more recent weapon mods. I already msg'd Millenia about it, but I read somewhere he and his team don't take requests so I'm re-posting the idea here. This is a pretty awesome gun and I know a lot of you would like to see one.


It would be .40 caliber and have a switchable 3-round burst function like the M93R. Magazine capacity at least 15 rounds.











(Wallnut grips, possible mod?)



I really, really hope a fellow RE nerd/weapon modder thinks this is as cool as i do!

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