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Vanilla NPCs are two faced


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I'm running into an issue where vanilla raced npcs appear to be, as someone on another thread put it, "talking while wearing a latex mask." I couldn't find a solution in that thread. We did have the same issue about being able to fix the issue temporarily by disabling and enabling an npc. I'm not running many cosmetic mods. HGEC, Robert's Male Body V4, followed by Better Redguards. They've worked seamlessly for a long time. How do I pinpoint which mod is acting up when none of my recent mods should be editing the vanilla races? It's also not possible to disable mods individually and test in game when the issue doesn't show itself immediately. It can take days of ingame events before I see it.


It's not game breaking even if it's disturbing, so I won't be pulling my hair out over it. Even still I'd like a bit of advice from anyone experienced with overlapping faces and other doubling oddities. On a possibly related note, if I view an npc full body (regardless if it's a vanilla or custom race) in the CS their body mesh is all over the place. The face view is fine but the body view is splattered. :ermm:

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Strangely enough, I remember the thread you refer and I remember that the OP had this issue with follower NPCs after traveling. And I remember we told him to use the Fix Follower Double Face Bug spell added by the Unofficial Oblivion Patch.


Is it the same issue you have? Vanilla NPCs temporarily following you show this "latex mask" when you talk to them immediately (or before) fast-traveling? If so, it's the Follower Double Face Bug, well known and only remediable the way I mentioned before.



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May I inquire what set of facial/body textures you're using? I'm not sure I understand what's your issue, but it reminded me of a problem with Martin's and Jauffre's faces at Cloud Ruler's Temple which I never have been able to fix, but I'm pretty sure it's related to face textures.

Edited by DarJee
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DarJee, this is the Follower Double Face Bug, at least in your case, Martin and Jauffre are the most frequently affected by this vanilla game bug.


It is not related to mods or face textures, it is a glitch in the vanilla game engine. The Unofficial Oblivon Patch tries to fix it, but it's hard to prevent it from popping from time to time, so the UOP also includes a special spell, Fix Follower Duble Face Bug, that handles for you the disable/enable routie.


Other than that, nothing more is possible to remedy it. Once this bug appears on your game for the first time (usually when Martin and Jauffre reach Cloud Ruler Temple with you), it will continue to appear from time to time.



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At least now I know what this misterious Follower Double Face Bug is, and the related UOP option...

So the bug originates before reaching Cloud Ruler Temple - it's the only explanation possible - because after they dismount their horses they are no more followers. Is that right?

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Correct, Dar-Jee, the FDF bug is generated way before the first time you encounter a Follower (namely Martin), most likely on game initialization. I think that it's the very fact that Martin becomes your follower that triggers it in the first place, but I noted across my many installations that, if I did not experience it then, with Martin and Jauffre, then the bug would very rarely appear, but if it appeared then, it would plague my game more often.


And yes, once the Follow Player script is terminated, the bug remains persistent until you use the UOP spell or the disable/enable command.



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