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Request Script/Questscript


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I would like to know how a companion script is set up in terms of dialogue. Because right now I use a removescriptpackage spell for my companion and it doesn't work since the original follow package is hardcoded into him. I was wondering if there was a template anywhere for one.
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Try "addscriptpackage" with a wander package, with current location at 0, with a "must complete" flag. Then use the "removescriptpackage" to remove the wander package.


Packages added by "addscriptpackage" are placed at the top of their package list, forcing it to take priority. Normally these packages would be automatically removed once completed, or once they re-evaluate their packages again, but since wander packages don't have a completed state, they will continue to wander until that package is removed.


Just remember to removescriptpackage before adding a different package so that they only have 1 temporary (non-completable) package at a time.


As to making it work through dialogues, that's an entirely different mess. Stick to spell scripts, you can do more. Dialogue scripts don't allow for internal conditions (IF's), spell scripts do. They're also much harder to setup and get working.


And next time, only make 1 topic.

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