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Help with making conditions for modded follower


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I'm absolutely a noob when it comes to creating mods, but I am dead-set on finishing the mod I'm currently working on. It adds a new follower to the game based off my character, who is a very staunch Stormcloak. I've followed all the tutorials I've found on how to make him a follower, but what I can't figure out is how to make him only follow if the player is a Stormcloak (not just wearing the armor, but actually in the faction). I also want to make him hostile to any Imperial or (gods forbid) Thalmor players and npcs. Could someone please point me in the right direction for how to do that? I'd be very grateful.

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i would create a faction that is hostile towards imperials thalmor etc. this way if the player is any of these factions he will attack the player on sight. If you want him to only join the player if he is a storm cloak then set up a conditioned response in the dialogue, this is done through quests, i would tell you how but this site does it better. http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Planning_the_Quest

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