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Lucius is Lord Seeker, so he should wear an armor of a seeker, instead he wears a regular templar armor. Please may somebody make a mod that gives him seeker armor.


Also Fiona as a grand enchanter should wear white robe, instead she wears green robe of a regular circle mage.


Alistair, Loghain and Stroud are all warriors, but they wear rogue warden armors, they should wear warrior armors.


Another thing is I think that red robe of Alexius looks bad, I'd like to ask someone to recolour his robe in black.


I wait for responses.

Edited by SilverAxe001
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I'm don't think that modding is to the point of being able to change the actual item that someone's wearing.


We can retexture things, so making Alexius's armor black wouldn't be a problem, but doing something like putting our warrior Wardens in warrior armor or Lucius in Seeker armor is probably outside the scope of possibility until modding can accommodate it.

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Swapping out armour on characters is not possible at the moment, unfortunately. And retexturing Lucius and Fiona would change a great deal of the NPCs in the game as well. We could have Templars in Seeker armour and tranquil in Grand Enchanter robes. Sorry.


EDIT: As for putting Alexius in black rather than red, that would require EBX (HEX) editing something I have very little experience in so perhaps someone with more experience will see this and do it. :)

Edited by xstephyg
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Thank you for responses, valerie1972 abd xstephyg. I understand changing armors of Warden allies, Lucius and Fiona impossible now. I don't know how it's programmed, I thought all characters have files with their equipement. Now I see it's more complex. We all will have to wait until it's possible. Still I appreciate you both responded.

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  On 5/24/2015 at 6:10 PM, SilverAxe001 said:

Thank you for responses, valerie1972 abd xstephyg. I understand changing armors of Warden allies, Lucius and Fiona impossible now. I don't know how it's programmed, I thought all characters have files with their equipement. Now I see it's more complex. We all will have to wait until it's possible. Still I appreciate you both responded.


Unfortunately, the switch to Frostbite changed the way equipment is given to NPCs completely. Rather than wearing gear they are assigned a body mesh, from what I understand. (I'm not a mesh modder so I haven't looked into it much.)


I'd suggest bringing this request to the DAI Modding Tools Forum's Requst Page if you haven't already. The mesh modders are more likely to see it there than here. I, personally had never thought to look here for requests, to be honest. While it may not be possible now it is something the programmers are working towards. Plus, there are a lot of people there that are good with EBX modding so I have no doubt someone will be able to do the Alexius recolour for you. :smile:

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  On 5/24/2015 at 7:05 PM, xstephyg said:


  On 5/24/2015 at 6:10 PM, SilverAxe001 said:

Thank you for responses, valerie1972 abd xstephyg. I understand changing armors of Warden allies, Lucius and Fiona impossible now. I don't know how it's programmed, I thought all characters have files with their equipement. Now I see it's more complex. We all will have to wait until it's possible. Still I appreciate you both responded.


Unfortunately, the switch to Frostbite changed the way equipment is given to NPCs completely. Rather than wearing gear they are assigned a body mesh, from what I understand. (I'm not a mesh modder so I haven't looked into it much.)


I'd suggest bringing this request to the DAI Modding Tools Forum's Requst Page if you haven't already. The mesh modders are more likely to see it there than here. I, personally had never thought to look here for requests, to be honest. While it may not be possible now it is something the programmers are working towards. Plus, there are a lot of people there that are good with EBX modding so I have no doubt someone will be able to do the Alexius recolour for you. :smile:


I don't have login on that page and I don't register for one action. Still thank you for suggestion.

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