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Make Bodies Disappear


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So I have downloaded this Mercenary Mod where you can hire mercenaries. Everything works perfectly aside from the bodies of my fallen comrades. It appears that the mercenaries bodies don't disappear when they die.


In the mod theres a spell called, "Rally Mercenaries". Self explanatory. Anyway I had gotten split up with my mercenaries so I casted this spell and waited a bit. My mercenaries did show up but so did the 10 dead bodies of my previously hired mercenaries. It was pretty funny to see a huge pile of dead guys but it lead me to thinking this.


If the dead bodies don't disappear would they cause save game bloating or something bad like that? Is there a way to get rid of these bodies? Maybe resurrect the dead and then delete them.

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I have not played that mod, but from what you describe, there is the chance that it uses the dreaded PlaceAtMe command which causes savegame bloat. Some non-bloating approaches that mods use are to resurrect the same actors over and over, or have a set number of actors in a holding cell the gamer can't reach, and teleport the actors to and from the cell as needed.


Savegame bloat may not be as bad as people fear. It may ruin some of your high-level characters now and then so that you have to start new ones, but unless you are really attached to a particular character, starting a new one can be fun.


It sort of sounds like your mercenaries need a script sort of like:


SCN AATooManyDeadBodies

; Object script attached to each individual mercenary.

Begin Gamemode
    If GetDead == 1
         If GetDistance Player > 2000


One problem with this would be that if you are separated from your mercenary and he or she dies in battle, then it will be a disappearance and you will never know what happened.

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