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A couple interesting ideas for some mods I had...


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Hey guys, just communicating a couple cool (to me) ideas I had, that I think would make great mods, if done correctly. I have every intention of learning the construction kit in my own time, but my PC is currently done and, well, it's tough. I'm on a different one now. Anyways, I guess I'm sort of making a request to some good modders. I've got 2 ideas.


1. A Fight Club based mod. I think this would be really interesting. Like the Fighter's Guild in a way, only it'd be shadier, sorta underground stuff. No weapons and armor, just Hand to Hand. I think of course the "leader" of the Fight Club should look like either Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt, preferable) or Narrator (Edward Norton, less preferable). I'd be happy to design faces because I know how to do that at the moment. But basically, it'd be like a guild you join, and maybe have the initiation be something like fighting a random person Hand to Hand, and, I guess, since you have to load if you die, you'd have to win. Then, it would progress sorta slowly with the Fight Club, you could go at night and actually fight, and receive other missions from Tyler/Narrator. The beginning missions should be more petty stuff, like thefts and vandalisms, if that'd be at all possible. Then, as you progress through the Fight Club, it should become more like Project Mayhem, where you start destroying stuff and coercing important people, and whatnot. This would be really cool if you could have companions for some of the Project Mayhem missions. Anyways, that's basically that idea. If anyone wants to work on it, I'll gladly help make faces and write dialogue and mission structures and so forth.


2. A paranoid schizophrenia mod. Donnie Darko is my second favorite movie after Fight Club. Anyways, having a paranoid schizophrenia mod would be interesting, in that you should be able to set up 2 different characters, in the same character. Say, when you start off, your main "sane" character could be an archer who specializes in stealth, but your "insane" character would be an axe wielder who just goes berserk. However, I think it would benefit the mod if you didn't know when exactly the change took place, so say you're sneaking around a cave and suddenly you realize you're no longer getting a high sneak bonus, that's when it keys in that you're in fact your "insane" personality. I dunno, maybe if it's at all possible, it would be cool if it was random, so you couldn't just have a time clock set up to know when you're gonna be which personality. Also, maybe with the insane personality, it'd be cool to add ghosts or spectres into the world, to add to the hallucination aspect of schizophrenia. Once again, I'd love to collaborate with anyone interesting in trying to make this mod.


So those are my two ideas. Sorry for the wall of text. If there's anyone interested in working on these, shoot me an email at [email protected].


Also, I have no idea if half the stuff I mentioned would even be possible to do in the construction kit, because I'm not very familiar with it. But what I described is just best case scenario; I think either of these mods in almost any form would be very fun to play.

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