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BioBooster Armor: GUYVER mod request


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Obviously if I knew what I was doing I'd make this mod myself...but I don't. Anyway I got into anime because of this particular anime series: BioBooster Armor: Guyver




I've looked around all over the place to see if anyone has done anything like this up but just can't find it.


So about the armor:

Amplified Strength - Can lift a car or rip arms of an opponent. Can leap large distances.

Amplified Speed - capable of running faster than a normal person.

Armored Body - High resistant to harm. Small arms fire typically will not penetrate armor.

Sensors - There are 2 orbs on the top sides of the head that grant the guyver the ability to sense the location of virtually anything around them.

Mega Smasher - Chest fired massive laser, can kill anything in one shot, and anything in the line of fire. The chest panels are pulled open to expose the beam emitters. Weapon can not be fired quickly and needs time to recharge in between shots.

High Frequency Sonic Blades - Can cut through anything, retracts when not in use. Blades are located on the forearms.

Infrared Laser - A laser fired from the small orb above the control metal. Can be fired rapidly and precisely.

Gravity Orb - Allows the use of the pressure cannon, a Hadoken like attack made of gravity. The orb can also be used to allow the Guyver to fly, or it can create a gravity shield.

Sonic Cannon - The orbs at the mouth area can create a sonic attack that can affect close by opponents causing internal injuries or can create a shield of sound.

Transformation Field - Activating the armor create a small area of destruction that can kill/destroy anything adjacent to the user.

Regeneration - Body regenerates, as do damaged limbs over time.



Obviously in a game like this the armor would give the player an unfair advantage.

1) While the armor is in use, player cannot use any of their normal weapons as Guyver weapons are superior and don't deteriorate. The same extends for the armor itself.

2) While armor is on, character cannot eat/drink/or sleep. Cannot use healing items. Resistance to all forms of damage is greatly increased.

3) The armor shouldn't have all weapons available from the start. Instead you unlock each weapon system of the armor (if possible) by either leveling up the armor (if this can be done) or via acquiring a new skill (Guyver user).

4) Mega Smasher range is massive, and it fires in a line affecting anything in its path. It should have a massive cool down time (if possible) that keeps it from being used too often.

5) Pressure cannon takes time to charge up. Cannon cannot be used if Flight/Shield is in use.

6) Stat boots should be moderate increases like that of a good suit of power armor. Jumping height/distance doubled. Moving speed doubled.

7) Sonic cannon has limited range but works like a shotgun, the closer a target is the deadlier it is. Effect can be maintained for a time until power "overheats" and needs to cool down.

8) Sonic Swords and Infrared Laser can be used rapidly with no cool down time. Swords to more damage than the laser, but are melee based. Laser does less damage than the swords but has range. Both are able to deal good damage even against armored opponents.

9) Resistances should all be increased, rad resistance should be the highest, if not granting outright immunity.

10) Regeneration of health only occurs if not attacked for a few seconds, but limb regeneration takes a longer amount of time to occur.



So the question is does anyone want to try and tackle this? Maybe even add new mobs to the game in the form of Zoanoids, were a normal human could suddenly mutate itno a monster making them a new threat just for Guyver character to tackle.


I figured Fallout would be a great setting for something like this and hope others share the feeling.






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