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having issues with CTD with the mod Safety Load


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like the title says having issues with the mod Safety Load and don't know were to put the command "EnableOnlyLoading = true" in data/SKSE/Plugins/SafetyLoad.ini. at or what to do prevent any more CTD'S since i installed http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46465/? safety load mod. any help will be greatly appreciated.

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oh because i was having infinite loading screens before i installed that mod and i have the latest SKSE installed then why the game doing infinite loading screen when leaving the first cave after the dragon attacks in helgan

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Then you probably are overloading the memory cache, i suggest adding your load order to the form when you do this because you are probably using way too many texture mods.


I also suggest getting ENBoost (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38649/?) and Memory Blocks Log (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50471/?#).


Follow the installation instructions CAREFULLY, you mess it up you mess up the whole game and will probably have to reset everything.

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how do you copy and past your load order from NMM im not sure i can do that but ill try do it tomorrow after all this pc im using barely makes the min requirements for skyrim or at least i think it barely make min.

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