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[ReL] Minor Changes to Birthsigns


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Minor Changes to Birthsigns: http://tessource.net/files/file.php?id=6286


This mod changes the two birthsigns "The Lover" and "The Serpent". "The Lover" gets "The Serpents" orginal power and vice versa. But the name for the power and the birthsigns explanations are changed to fit in.


The Serpent:

Those born under the Serpent gains the Serpent's Poison power wich will inject the Serpents paralyzing poison into an enemys veins at the cost of 100 points of fatigue.


The Lover:

Gain the Lover's Seduction power to cause a slow but potent poison on touch, while simultaneously curing yourself and dispelling magic on yourself. Casting this spell costs 100 points of fatigue.


The powers are exacly the same as the orginal powers (but they apply to the other birthsign ofcourse) except that the 10 seconds paralyze power now costs 100 points of fatigue instead of 120, and the names are changed to ofcourse.


This mod is most pointed towards the ones who want to have the 10 secons paralyze power but don't want to be under the birtsign of the lover and don't want the power to have the name "Lovers Kiss". If you play as a brutal orc for example, he's no lover, and he doesn't paralyze enemys with kisses!


But it's also pointed towards the people that will play as a fine woman, a fine woman that ofcourse are born under The Lover! But maybe the player doesn't want the 10 second paralyzing power, then this is the mod to use!



You can contact me on: [email protected]

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