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Get ready to laugh!


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Greetings everyone. I thought I would share one of my favorite web hangouts with you. I'm sure a lot of you have probably already found this site, but I still think its worth mentioning.

Here it is:



If you've seen it already, so what?! Check it out again!


It's worth the trip. It's about a marshmellow named Homestar and his crazy friends. Check out the Strongbad emails as well.



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Being a long time fan of Homestar Runner, I highly suggest clicking on the "first time here" button on their menus. It will take you to a very funny little clip, and you get to see just how funny Homestar can be.


Also, I second the suggestion for checking out the Strong Bad emails. If you have the time to do so, watch them all from the beginning. They're hilarious!


Well done, Mojlnir.

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