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Armor Effects and GECK


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So, I'm tinkering with GECK and haven't done anything yet. SO, in order to help me get started, I decided to add some bonuses to an armor that has none.


Now, the way I read the guide, Here, I should use the, Object Effect pull down to do this. But, I wanted to make a custom effect and I don't see that listed.


How would I make my own effects for armors?

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This is easy, just go to Game Effects then Object Effects in the object window.


Have a look at the names and IDs of some of the effects and you will recognise them and then be able to see how a particular effect is achieved. For example EnchClothingBaseballCap is the effect for the baseball cap. Double click on it to see an example of how to set a piece of equipment to increase a skill.


Often the best way to learn something about the GECK is to see how a similar thing has been done elsewhere in the game and the copy or modify it for your own gain.


Cheers, Jim

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