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[REQ] Daily Jobs Mod


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To StPatrick, I think you could go even further with that idea


How about the already listed jobs

and then skill-requirement/skill-based jobs


Like the Medical Assistant requires ** Medicine skill to ask to do, or you can attempt it and pass/fail based on a percentage

A mechanic job at Michael Angelos? Work at the energy weapons dealer if you have high enough skill? Etc.


Then there could be unique items or perks given as rewards for completing individual non-generic jobs,


This occured in Classic fallout occasionally (like shoveling crap enough times gave you the speedy crap shoveller perk)


I've found a thread similar to this one and thought it may be relevant so I've connected these two threads


Mod Ideas, Basically a job and promotion system

Edited by simplywayne90
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This is something I REALLY REALLY REALLY want as a mod. My dream mod basically.


It will likely be made, I've connected many threads like this together so the idea is now at least well know, also I've just connected it to a voice acting thread i just created since these new jobs will require NPCs to give them, so we can have quite a variety of voices involved to make it more immersive.


Heres The Voice Acting Thread If any want to offer their voices to other mods,

Voice Actors, Offer Your Voice, Or Request Them For Mods


Oh Legionpower, maybe you might want to voice a boss character in this mod, or one of the players co-workers, like a fellow guard or another clinic assistant?

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great idea, a constant supply of xp is always good too (for gamers who have level cap removers)

You'd have to get rid of fast travel though,

And really until someone comes out with a good fast travel encounters mod, what good is it.. It's just ridiculous going from one side of the wasteland to another in 10 minutes.

Oh and drug running sounds awesome.. Some real missions for the budding ganster!

Not like the vanilla where if you side with the bad guys, you ruin any chance of being supplied with anything more powerful than a peashooter.

New factions for gang style missions would be good too!

Edited by adman85
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Caravan Guard?


Well the merchants would have to be walking. You don't see merchants running across the Mojave with a Brahmin in tow (On second thought, it would be funny to watch someone running chased by a two headed horned beast). Would anyone be interested in WALKING with them across the Mojave?

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