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[REQ] Daily Jobs Mod


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This is something I REALLY REALLY REALLY want as a mod. My dream mod basically.


It will likely be made, I've connected many threads like this together so the idea is now at least well know, also I've just connected it to a voice acting thread i just created since these new jobs will require NPCs to give them, so we can have quite a variety of voices involved to make it more immersive.


Heres The Voice Acting Thread If any want to offer their voices to other mods,

Voice Actors, Offer Your Voice, Or Request Them For Mods


Oh Legionpower, maybe you might want to voice a boss character in this mod, or one of the players co-workers, like a fellow guard or another clinic assistant?


I would LOVE to voice act!

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Hmm Recently with all the other things I forgot about this and just rediscovered it, but I'm hoping to go through and re-read this whole thread and make a list of everyones job ideas and things. That way people will be able to find everything in one place instead of weeding through the entire thread.


---------------------------Ideas on Jobs Rules---------------------------


-- Many jobs should require a skill requirement to perform, the skill depending on the job. This is to reward those who invest in certain skills, and helps things make more sense, since someone with 20 medicine skill and 4 INT should not be hired to perform a surgery.


-- Some jobs should only be available after the player has progressed through the game somewhat, So as to avoid level 3 players trying to do jobs that pay large amounts of caps, or that require them to fight deathclaw alphas etc.


-- Perhaps faction specific jobs could be introduced, like slave tamers for the Legion, or Patrolman for the NCR/Brotherhood, and maybe Prospectors for certain towns and things like that.


-- Depending on the players previous jobs, maybe they can work themselves up to harder and more rewarding jobs.


-- A Promotion system was suggested, so after a player does a certain job enough times, then they move up to a new job that is more challenging, and eventually can get special unique rewards for reaching the top of a profession or special items.


-- Special rewards could be job dependant, like for someone who was become very good with medical related jobs then they can then buy special stimpacks you can use in battle on companions and NPCs to heal them during a fight.

Edited by simplywayne90
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---------------------------Job Ideas---------------------------


Store Guard -- Like with the Silver Rush. You stand outside of a store/area and confiscate peoples weapons, drugs, items etc.. Making sure undesirables dont enter, this could be customized fairly easily


Drug Dealer -- You are given a Description of the person you are dealing too. Look around the area and make sure you pick the right person (or someone might turn you in) Possibly you may also redeem addicts with high enough skills in various areas for good karma and little rewards like small ups in Reputation etc. Also as an added challenge their may be others looking for you or your target.


Caravan Guard -- You walk with caravans from one of the various companies to its destination, protecting it from harm on the way there. And depending on the players level/skill or the caravans desination different enemies may appear, like a caravan going near Sloan won't encounter super mutants, but may encounter deathclaws. etc.


Casino Bouncer -- Like Store guard except you have to find the problems and handle them, This can be challenging to players as they have to follow House's rules, etc..


Courier -- Similar to the Caravan guard, but you are alone and there is a time limit, and likely you can script more problems for players along the way.



Hunter -- Go out and collect things from certain animals for a settlement or NPC. This could be included in every town and each one could request meat from animals that live in the nearby areas. Similar to Red Dead Redemption. Here is a thread with even more extensive ideas for something like this



Prospecter -- Similar to Hunter, but depending on the town the player will be asked to find various generic electronics or modules for a reward.


Medical Assistant -- Take various types of jobs at the different clinics in the wasteland, based on the players skill in Medicine or Survival.


Robotics Tech -- Similar to the Medical Assistant, except it will be based on players Science and Repair skills.


Energy Weapons Tech -- Based on the players skill with such weapons and repairing them, perhaps you can work for the Van Graffs or another energy dealer.


Merchant -- Randomly perhaps in the wasteland you will be approached and asked to sell random items for large amounts of caps, just as an oddity, like a Legionaire buying a teddy bear off you for 3000 caps and running off. or an NCR ranger asking for jet or legion armor.


Scout For Factions -- Explore and Cover a district and report back, without killing anything or killing things like animals using only weapons considered low profile like silenced guns and melee weapons. By Frank Lee


Escort Travelers -- Escorting an NPC who's set to 'passive' to a desintation safely, added challenges could be the travelers are crippled, or may bait you into ambushes, etc.. By Frank Lee


Patrolman -- Patrol Areas for different factions and destroy any intruders from rival factions.


Slaver -- Obviously you can be sent to enslave specific NPCs for various rewards and caps. Legion Only


Slave Breaker/Tamer -- You become the person who teaches the newly enslaved how to obey, the player uses various methods to ensure obedience from different types of slaves, from violence to charisma to certain drugs. Legion Only


Abolitionist -- Opposite of Slaver, a script will enable when the play accepts the job and one of several random locations will appear with slaves to be freed from rogue muties and Legion scum. After the job is turned in the area is disabled so as not to take up space that may conflict with future mods.


Mercenary -- Temporary fight for factions you may not support, of course depending on your actions your actions may affect your reputation with a faction you like.


Raider -- Similar to Mercenary, but instead you are given specific targets or areas to attack and retieve random items to return with.


Infiltraitor -- Depending on the faction you will be hired to infiltrate a rival factions area, and steal something and return without causing conflict, these items could be generic and hard to find.


Cartographer -- Like with Reily's Rangers in Fallout 3 you can recieve some small rewards for exploring areas or having certain map makers.


Herb Collecting -- You collect various plants and herbs for NPCs from towns. The plants should be rather close to the town.


Gravedigger-- In Goodsprings and possibly other towns, you can be hired to bury the various raiders and citizens of the area that have become carrion food. This job will merely cause time to pass like resting, and shouldn't pay much at all, just a beginner job.


Expert Excrement Expeditor -- A reference to Fallout 2, It will be similar to the gravedigger job but with bramhin or bighorner droppings, and after completing it enough times will give you a perk with the same name that gives you a small bonus to your speech skill. (Since by then your player is very familiar with bull sh**, thats the little joke)


Edited by simplywayne90
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Sounds like a great idea. And it wouldnt be nearly as boring as the jobs in Fable 2 where you repeatedly push the same friggin button over and over and over... and over... yeah you get the point... I support this 110%...
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I just added a thread link to the "hunter job" under job ideas, I'd suggest readers also look at that thread to expand on that idea.


I also linked this thread on the Voice acting thread since there is so many willing to voice this idea I felt they may find something there that they'd voice as well.


Currently no one has done ANY work on this idea, so any modders out there, you are welcome to take this.


I'm busy with my own project (S.E.R) and also I can't mod, So even though I keep reviving this thread from the pile of "I Kan Haz Gun" requests


I'd love for someone to work on this.

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Actually the mod im working will have an escort type of quest. And the place will alwas be looking for various items. Namely Steam Gauge Assy parts. Im still learning, and got my head into blender over the weekend, so Im totally overwelmed now. I really feel stupid :wallbash:


Anyway, mods about 45% done, Im still working on layout. But I did manage to create 2 new activators. One is a BBQ Grill that acts like a campfire, and the other is a working distillery, that I plan on selling to players. You can now make your own hooch. Recipe's are in the works. So if you have any idea's for recipes please shoot me a PM.

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